Good evening!
I am perky right now. Very very perky. Earlier today, I was not. And it is all because of these five words: Peanut Butter Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies (there would have been chocolate chip too, but no such luck). They are joy filled words. So. Joy. Filled.
Which is exactly what I needed on a day like today. Today started fine, but starting around lunch/after lunch, it started going downhill. Have you ever had those days where you just get into a funk for no particular reason? You just start feeling sad/down for no reason? Yeah, it was one of those days. I think maybe it was just my body/brain processing all of these emotional highs and compositing all the opposite feelings into an afternoon. (I've had a LOT of really good days recently and nothing really to bring me down.)
Anyways, it actually transitioned into a really awful commute home. I took the Silverline to the Red line, stayed on that until my stop. Realized the bus wasn't going to show up for 20 minutes, because busses to my area are really really infrequent, even at rush hour (not having a bike is really frustrating). Saw the bus. Got on the bus. Proceeded to realize after a half mile that it was the right bus going in the wrong direction. Missed both possible correct busses. One of which I got about 50 feet away from but couldn't catch. Ended up walking home in the cold misty rain. At least the boy kept me company via text. :)
Of course, I also daydreamed of what kind of baked good could possibly make it up to me. I remembered my failed peanut pumpkin soup (more on that later) from last night and decided that perhaps that recipe wasn't completely wrong-the flavors of pumpkin and peanut go fairly well together. So, naturally, why couldn't they make a delicious fall cookie?
I stopped by Market Basket and picked up a can of pumpkin puree and another jar of Teddie Peanut Butter (I bought one last night too).
After dinner (which was supposed to be Coconut rice, quick curried chard & some sort of asian-y bean dish, but ended up being the Rosemary Bean Burgers from What the hell does a vegan eat anyways), I searched for a recipe that resembled what I had in mind. Nothing quite came up, so I just dumped a bunch of sugar, peanut butter, pumpkin, applesauce, flour & baking powder in a bowl and mixed these up.
I baked them at 350F for ~15 minutes and they came out puffy and a little cakey. Perfect. Smooth texture and just sweet enough taste with both pumpkin and peanut flavors shining to their best (unlike that soup!).
That's it! Peanuts and Pumpkins seem to be the theme of the week. Pumpkins have come up a LOT so far that I've seen on the Vegan MoFo feed. So I feel like I fit right in.