Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 6! (MoFo'in it up)

Remember a couple days ago how I had a really crap day? Well, I was planning on making this new recipe that night-coconut rice with quick curried swiss chard and some sort of bean-y side for the protein. I soaked pinto beans since I don't work with them much. Of course, I forgot that I soaked pinto beans at work. I also didn't make sure to soak just over a half cup (which usually ends up being pretty close to the 15 oz can amount). So I had less than a 15oz can's worth of soaked pinto beans by the end of the day. Anyways.

As I was saying-I forgot that they were pinto beans. I thought they were navy beans. So. this shit day where the main thing was going to be coconut rice that I'd never made before? Quickly became White bean rosemary burgers. Only I got home to less than a can's worth of beans and them being pinto at that.

I told myself it was ok, cooked the beans, reduced the amount of onion, but otherwise followed the instructions. (From What the Hell Does a Vegan Eat Anyways-see previous posts for a link) I ended up having to add some water to hold it together, but they still tasted decent and they were really fast. Done by the time my roommate got back from picking up more ketchup. (Somehow, we go through a ton of ketchup) 

I still made the quick curried swiss chard from Color Me Vegan. That was great the second time around. Really really lovely. The first time too, for that matter! Anyways, the burgers turned out quite well even if the combination of tastes between the chard and the burgers was a little on the strange side...

Rosemary Bean Burgers with Quick Curried Swiss Chard

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