It took me a little while to figure out what this was. I know. Horrible of me, but I'm awful at keeping notes (I really should get that vegan recipe book thing I've seen recently). And it's been a while. This is the Mango BBQ Beans from Appetite for Reduction. With the BBQ Tofu from Veganomicon (backyard bbq sauce, not apricot). It was good. I know that much. Snarfed the whole bowl up.

I really like this picture. Actually, all of them came out really well, but this one kind of hides the fact that I was lazy about chopping my onions, so they definitely added to the texture rather than mostly being background/flavor. These are the Rosemary Bean Burgers from
What the Hell does a vegan eat anyway? I made them twice. Accidentally left them out when I disappeared for 24 hours so my dad threw them away. Despite, in my opinion, them being fairly basic vegan fare and totally doable at leaving out for a day. But whatever. I made them again on Memorial day and added sweet potato fries (oven baked). Yum. Very nice, summery dinner right there.

This is one half of a muffin. The other half is in the upper right hand corner, if you look closely. And i kinda liked taking these pictures on this tile. Makes for a very interesting in focus/out of focus. PPKers in Boston had a potluck on June 1st. I was originally going to make bread utilizing a half bottle of hard cider that's been sitting in my fridge for approximately 3 months now (I've mostly stopped drinking), but I got held up uselessly at some job recruitment event where the recruiter was an hour late, which pissed me off enough that I basically didn't even try to convince her to give me a job. Just sat through it by sheer stubbornness to not give up something that I started. ANYWAYS, back to food.
I got home, and was wondering what to make, checked the fridge. I had ~8-10 strawberries left in a container and they had those funny spots where you know they're going to go bad if you don't use them RIGHT NOW. And I kinda wanted to do muffins. I checked vegweb and they had a strawberry muffin recipe, but it didn't really strike my fancy. So, I made my own. Strawberry Chocolate-Chip Muffins. They came out really well. I liked the contrast between the flours (buckwheat/whole wheat/white) and the strawberries and chocolate chips. Everyone else seemed to like them.
But, more importantly, at the potluck, there was vegan goat cheese (cashew cheese) from C'est La Vegan. I don't have the link since I'm not on my computer, but guys, it was the most amazing thing. I thought I'd never have spreadable cheese again. You could barely peel me away from the cheese. I don't have any pictures though.
Yesterday, I was putzing through Appetite for Reduction, looking for something to make and actually kind of sorted by percentages of vitamins. Turns out, Pasta De Los Angeles is pretty high in, oh, just about all four. So I made that.

It was ok. HUGE portions. Like, ridiculous. And it looks good, right? Well, unfortunately, it definitely wasn't my favorite out of this cookbook, but I've never been a huge pasta fan, so that doesn't really surprise me. The jalapeno I got was very jalapeno-y. Unlike a jalapeno used for salsa at a fellow vegan's thing on Sunday (through no fault of her own... I just managed to set myself up for serious pain). I took a tiny sliver and bit into it on Sunday. Tasted like bell pepper, no kick. Did the same thing yesterday and my mouth was burning. On fire for at least a half hour. Nose running, eyes watering, the whole thing. I feel like I would have appreciated more flavor besides 'heat' in this, so if I make it again, I"ll be adding... something, though I'm not sure what.
Anyways, I'll leave you with the muffin recipe.
Strawberry Chocolate Chip Muffins
Makes: 12 muffins (if using regular size tins, large ones will probably only make 6)
Wet Ingredients:
1/2 Cup Oil
1/4-1/3 Cup Agave Nectar
1/4 cup Blackstrap Molasses
1 TBSP Ground Flax Seed in 1/4 cup water
1 tsp vanilla
Dry Ingredients:
1/2 Cup Buckwheat Flour
3/4 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 Cup White flour
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup diced strawberries
1/2-3/4 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk (I used almond)
Preheat oven to 350F. Mix wet ingredients together.
Add dry ingredients in half cup increments until just mixed.
Add almond milk until desired 'muffin-y' gloppiness. (I usually go until I can see a rim of non-dairy milk around the edge of the bowl, just a thin line)
Mix in Chocolate chips. Fold in Strawberries.
Spoon into greased muffin tins. Bake 20-25 minutes. Eat. Yum.