Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sweet Potatoes Make Everything Better

I have long been of the opinion that Sweet Potatoes make any meal better instantly. I mean, just look at it:

It's SO orange and inviting. Of course, at this point in the year, I AM eagerly awaiting the arrival of the first spring crops of vegetables so that I can get away from all these heavy, winter-y foods. But Sweet Potatoes are a balm on this bleak time of year. 

I made the Ginger Mashed Sweet Potato and Apple from Appetite for Reduction (I have a feeling most of my cooking is going to come mainly from this cookbook in the next few weeks. It is just that AMAZING). 

I know it doesn't look all that appetizing (and my camera sucks!),  but it tasted awesome. Lots of sweet potato and apple with a hint of cinnamon and ginger. The texture was a little strange, but it didn't throw me off too badly, thankfully. I feel like, when it comes to fall, I'll start making this with a vengeance. It's probably going on the mini-thanksgiving feast for me so that I can have thanksgiving while the rest of my family & family friends devour turkey and all sorts of things I can't eat. Not that I'm thinking about it. Much. (First Vegan thanksgiving, but I've done thanksgiving at least 6 times while vegetarian)

The main dish for dinner was the Lotta Veggies Lentil soup (~that title) from AFR. ALSO amazing. I mean, just look at that gorgeous spinach mixed in with the lentils and carrots (I can't even taste the zucchini.. which is good since I'm not a huge fan of zucchinis all on their own). 

It tasted delicious and it was ridiculously low in calories, so I know I"ll be making it again. perhaps when the zucchinis actually come into season?!

At last minute (I was already running late, since the fams had to eat before 7pm) I decided to throw together some corn muffins. I won't post the recipe since it was a super basic recipe-oil, egg replacer and almond milk, etc. But they tasted really good. Very, very sweet, so if I did it again, I'd probably increase the corn meal and reduce the sugar. 
But still, quite good. 
Yes, my camera decided the cd's in the background were far more interesting than my muffin. Whatever. 

All in all, a FANTASTIC dinner. I'll definitely make all of it again. 

1 comment:

  1. I'll be making the Lotsa Veggies Lentil Soup from AFR tomorrow night! :-)
